
Black Widow Spiders

Black widow spiders are a species of spider that is native to the United States. They are identified by their shiny, black bodies and red hourglass-shaped marking on their abdomen. These spiders can be extremely dangerous, as their venom can cause serious health issues for humans. So, it’s important to know what to look for, how to spot them, and how to prevent them from entering your home or business.

dangerous black widow spider

Identifying Black Widows

Black widow spiders are small; they typically grow no bigger than 1 - 1½ inches in size. As mentioned before, they have glossy black bodies with a red hourglass figure on the underside of the abdomen. It’s this marking that easily identifies them as a black widow spider. Female black widows are often more visible than males due to their larger size and bright colors.

Where Do They Live?

Black widows tend to live in dark wooded areas or other places where there is an abundance of shade and protection from predators and the elements. They can also be found living near homes, sheds, barns, garages and other structures where they can find food and shelter. In some cases, they may even make their way inside buildings through cracks or crevices in walls or windowsills.

black widow exterminator
black widow spider pest control job

Preventing Infestations

The best way to reduce the risk of a black widow infestation is by keeping your home free from clutter and debris where these spiders might hide or lay eggs. You should also keep window screens in good repair so that any gaps or holes do not provide an entry point for the spiders into your home or yard. If you do find yourself with a black widow infestation , contact a local pest control company immediately for professional help in removing them safely from your property.

Satisfaction Guaranteed Pest Control

Our job is not done unless you are 100% satisfied. If you are not completely satisfied with any of our local pest control services, then we will continue to service your home until your issue is solved.

Black widow spiders are poisonous and deadly to humans! Keep your family out of danger and call us.

Black widow spiders may be small but they pack a powerful punch! Their venomous bite can cause serious health complications if not treated properly. It’s important to know what to look for when identifying these spiders as well as how to prevent them from entering your home or business premises proactively. By following the tips outlined here—such as keeping clutter away, repairing window screens—you can drastically reduce the chances of having an infestation on your hands down the line!

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