

Ticks are small arachnids that feed on the blood of mammals, birds, and sometimes reptiles. Many people don’t realize how common ticks are, or how many health risks they present. In this blog post, we’ll explore what ticks are, how to spot them in yourself or your pet, and most importantly, how to prevent them.

tick found on an animal

What Are Ticks?

Ticks are a type of arthropod that feeds off the blood of its host. Most species of tick feed on the blood of mammals like dogs, cats and humans. There are over 800 different species of tick around the world; however not all species carry diseases or pose a risk to humans. The primary species in North America known for carrying disease is the deer tick (also known as blacklegged tick). These ticks live in grassy areas outside cities and towns.

How To Spot Them on Yourself or Your Pet?

Ticks can be difficult to spot on yourself or your pet because they are so small. They range from 1-2 mm in size depending on their stage of life cycle (larvae/nymphs/adult). The best way to spot a tick is by looking for any dark spots on your skin or your pet’s fur. You should also look for any red bumps or raised skin near where you think a tick might be located. If you do find a tick on yourself or your pet, it is important that you remove it immediately with tweezers or another tool designed specifically for removing ticks—do not use bare hands! You should also take note of where you found it in case you need to inform your doctor later.

tick found on a human in baltimore city
tick pest control job in Baltimore, MD

How To Prevent Ticks?

The best way to prevent ticks is by avoiding areas where they like to hide such as long grasses and wooded areas. When walking through these areas it is important that you wear protective clothing such as long pants and closed-toed shoes. It’s also important that you check yourself and your pets after being outdoors so that any attached ticks can be removed before they have time to spread diseases such as Lyme Disease. If you do find an attached tick it is important that you remove it immediately using tweezers or another tool specifically designed for removing ticks—do not use bare hands!

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Our job is not done unless you are 100% satisfied. If you are not completely satisfied with any of our local pest control services, then we will continue to service your home until your issue is solved.

Tick infestation? Worried about Lyme disease? We have just the services to help.

Ticks pose a serious health risk if not detected early enough so it's important that we all stay vigilant when outdoors in areas where ticks may be present. By taking simple precautions such as wearing protective clothing and checking ourselves and our pets after being outdoors we can reduce our risk of exposure significantly. If you think you may have been exposed to a tick-borne illness, please contact your doctor immediately for further information and advice!

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