

Fleas are small, dark-colored parasites that feed on the blood of mammals and birds. They can be a major problem for pet owners, as they can cause skin problems, anemia, and severe itching in cats and dogs. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at what fleas are, how to spot them, and how to prevent them from taking over your home.

top flea exterminators in Baltimore, MD

What Are Fleas?

Fleas are wingless insects that measure about 1/12 to 1/6 of an inch long. They have flattened bodies so they can easily move through their host's fur or feathers. Fleas have piercing mouthparts that allow them to draw blood from the animal they’re living on. Flea eggs are tiny, white oval shapes that measure only 0.5 millimeters in length. The eggs hatch into larvae which feed on organic material such as dead skin cells or feces from adult fleas. After several weeks of feeding and growing, the larvae will spin a cocoon and become pupae before emerging as adults.

How Can I Identify Fleas?

The most obvious sign of fleas is excessive scratching or biting by your pet. If you suspect fleas might be present but don't see any visible signs on your pet's fur, you can use a flea comb to search for evidence of their presence - look for small black specks that could be flea droppings or eggs. You should also check your pet's favorite sleeping area for signs of flea infestation - look out for red bumps on the skin or patches of fur loss caused by scratching or biting at the site of a bite. Finally, inspect your carpets and furniture for signs of flea activity - adult fleas may be present in these areas if they have recently come into contact with an infested pet or person.

Flea evidence in downtown home
flea on animals

How Can I Prevent Fleas?

The best way to prevent flea infestations is by regularly grooming your pet with a high-quality shampoo designed specifically for repelling fleas and ticks. It's also important to vacuum regularly (at least once every two weeks) and wash any bedding that your pet may frequent in hot water (over 130°F). Finally, you should also consider using natural insect repellents such as cedar oil sprays or neem oil products around your house to help keep fleas away from both people and pets alike.

Satisfaction Guaranteed Pest Control

Our job is not done unless you are 100% satisfied. If you are not completely satisfied with any of our local pest control services, then we will continue to service your home until your issue is solved.

Fleas causing you and your pets discomfort? We have the top animal safe flea treatments available.

Fleas can be a major problem for pets and people alike if not properly prevented against or treated when necessary. By understanding what these pesky parasites are, how to spot them, and how to prevent them from taking over your home you'll be able to keep your family safe from harm while enjoying all the benefits of having a furry friend in your life! With just a few simple steps like regular grooming sessions with anti-flea shampoo, vacuuming frequently, washing bedding regularly at high temperatures and using natural insect repellents like cedar oil sprays you'll be well on your way towards having a happy home free from pesky pests!

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