
Carpenter Bees

If you've been noticing large, black and yellow bees hovering around the exterior of your home, there's a good chance they’re carpenter bees. While these insects are beneficial pollinators, they can also be potentially damaging pests. In this blog post, we'll be discussing what carpenter bees are, how to spot them, and how to prevent them from causing damage or becoming a nuisance.

carpenter bee in a home garage

What Are Carpenter Bees?

Carpenter bees look somewhat similar to bumblebees but have an all-black abdomen instead of the bright yellow one found on bumblebees. These bees measure between ¼ and 1 inch in length and tend to hover around homes that have wood-siding or porches with wooden beams.

How To Spot Them

These insects are active in late spring and summer months when they emerge from their winter hibernation. They form nests in untreated wood by boring holes into it with their mandibles. You may also notice piles of sawdust near the nesting site as this is a telltale sign of carpenter bee activity. It's important to note that while these bees look intimidating because of their size, carpenter bees do not sting unless disturbed or threatened.

close up carpenter bee
carpenter bee nest in baltimore city home

How To Prevent Carpenter Bees

The best way to avoid having carpenter bees make a home in your house is by treating exposed wood surfaces with an insecticide such as carbaryl or permethrin (or both). Additionally, you can paint over the exposed wood which will help discourage future infestations as well as disguising any existing damage caused by the presence of these insects. You may also want to consider installing some bee traps; these contraptions attract foraging carpenter bees away from your home so that they don't cause any further damage elsewhere on the property. Once trapped, you can simply release them far away from your home so that they don't come back again!

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Don't let carpenter bees ruin your deck! We can save it.

Carpenter bees are beneficial pollinators but can become potentially damaging pests if left unchecked. The best way to prevent an infestation is by treating exposed wood surfaces with an insecticide and painting over them to disguise any existing damage caused by these insects. Additionally, bee traps can be used to attract foraging carpenter bees away from your home before releasing them far away from your property—preventing any further damage occurring in the future! Taking proactive steps such as these will ensure that your home remains free from carpenter bee infestations for years to come!

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